March 22, 2011

Colorado Springs Newborn/Babies/Children/Family Photographer---Sweet Baby Verona

Oh, sweet baby Verona---you captured my heart!!! Lord knows how insanely windy it has been lately, so I wasn't sure how Verona would tolerate it, but she was amazing! She is one of the happiest babies (6 month olds) I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She sported the cutest curly pig tails & spring denim dress. Then we did a wardrobe change into a fabulous fuscia tu-tu with matching flower headband & adorning flower patchwork sweater. A-dorable!!! It was a little chaotic chasing our families around, working in/out of the sun & wind---but all the while Verona kept a sweet smile on her face. A dream photoshoot!!! BUT, probably the most memorable part of all was having a bride/groom show up with another photographer & his assistant. Not because this has never happened before, but because while snapping pictures of Verona we turned to hear Aiden & Sawyer (Danilee's son & my son) yelling "kiss her on the lips, kiss her on the lips" while standing just two feet from the new bride & groom!!! We laughed pretty hard---not sure if it was from pure embarassement or what exactly; needless to say we left shortly after. =) Thanks for a very fun photoshoot with your sweet baby Verona. Hope you LOVE your pictures...can't wait to take your family ones this summer!

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